With generous funding support from the Taiwan Forestry Bureau, Greenville Zoo and The Pollination project, we are conducting pangolin conservation research and education activities in Nepal.
Categories: Programs
Education outreach programs
Education is the ladder by which communities can climb out of deep poverty and hunger. Through the efforts of the Outreach Program, the most vulnerable children are sent schools. We concentrate our efforts in a few selected areas in this field and in the country. Recently, we were invited as a guest speaker on Need of School Sanitation.
Green program
Trees bring a multitude of benefits to cities, helping the environment as well as residents’ quality of life. They bring immense benefits such as filtering water run-off and cleaning the air as well as increasing health and quality of life as well as their role in creating vibrant urban environments. In this connection, we along with Jestha Nagarik Samuha of Kathmandu jointly are conducting tree plantation program in the fallow and abandoned land of Kathmandu.
To promote young ladies on botanical research, we have recently granted a young and keen student from Government Campus to conduct research on dicot herbal diversity and its conservation in Bhaktapur forest.
Fishing cat conservation
With generous funding from the Audubon Naturalist Society & Roger Williams Park Zoo, we are undertaking community Fishing Cat conservation awareness programs in the wetlands of Lumbini, Rupandehi district, Nepal.